My Online Readiness Experience

You may be a savvy smart-phone, tablet, or social media user, but are you equipped with the skills necessary to be a successful online student? The Office of Online Learning and Technology (OLAT) offers My Online Readiness Experience (M.O.R.E.), a series of interactive multimedia tutorials and resources designed to address the real challenges new and experienced online students will encounter.

What is My Online Readiness Experience?
As a student at Cuyahoga Community College, you have the opportunity to complete My Online Readiness Experience (M.O.R.E.). The purpose of My Online Readiness Experience is to prepare you to succeed in the classroom and in Tri-C's online learning environment. My Online Readiness Experience helps you determine how well you use study skills, navigate technology, and practice academic communication skills.
M.O.R.E. is available to students through Brightspace, Tri-C's learning management system. It should take 45 minutes to an hour and includes three graded sections: Technology, Study Skills, and Communication Skills.
Whether your courses are face-to-face, blended, or online, the skills covered in My Online Readiness Experience are key to your success!
Brightspace Learn Learning Management System
In Brightspace, MORE is part of a course titled "Students Guide to Brightspace".
To access:
- Log in to my Tri-C space.
- Use the “Blackboard/Brightspace Learn” card to select Brightspace.
- In Brightspace, select the waffle icon in the top navigation bar and choose the course title “Students Guide to Brightspace (My Online Readiness Experience and Orientation)” to enter the course.
- Select the My Online Readiness Experience (MORE) module to begin.

Among the abilities students should possess are:
- Send e-mail
- Attach, create, modify, and save electronic documents
- Upload/download files
- Strong organizational skills
- Disciplined time management
- Navigation skills through the online component of a course (the learning management system)